Acupuncture - gentle laser acupuncture, auricular medicine

Laser acupuncture - laser therapy with resonance frequencies, RAC

Local laser therapy began about 50 years ago with the research of Prof. Endre Mester (wound healing with HeNe-Laser, 632,5 nm). It was not long before laser devices were used to stimulate trigger points, acupuncture points and ear acupuncture (auriculomedicine) e.g. in Taiwan with the LaserPen. Within the scope of extensive frequency research, special applications for controlled acupuncture followed (RAC palpation according to NOGIER, BAHR, REININGER, PETERMANN, SCHOLTES), e.g. with the Physiolaser.
TCM, acupuncture (needle and laser needle acupuncture) belongs to the complementary procedures in many countries and is only partially recognized by orthodox medicine. Laser energy seems is more suitable for the meridian system, which is an "oscillating energy field", than the needle. Using the RJ laser devices a natural holistic therapy will be performed, transferring modulated energy to the meridian system. The purpose of acupuncture is to prevent and treat disease, and to optimize health and well-being through balancing the body's energies.

Where can I learn acupuncture, laser acupuncture, auricular medicine?
CIAM, Canadian Institute of Auricular Medicine 
IVAS, International Veterinary Acupuncture Society 
DAA e.V., Deutsche Akademie für Akupunktur e.V. 
OGKA, Österreichische Gesellschaft für kontrollierte Akupunktur 
SACAM, Schweiz. Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur, TCM, Aurikulomedizin 

The correct probe

LaserPen, acupuncture with resonance frequencies, RAC, laser therapy

What is the technical requirement for the RAC diagnosis?

To perform the RAC, the correct laser probe and of course the pre-programmed frequencies are required. If your equipment does not have the correct laser probes and basic features to perform the RAC, pulse-controlled acupuncture, you will not get the desired result.

Important for investigation: The RJ laser devices are designed to be operated with one hand (all functions with one finger movement). The other hand feels the pulse.

Frequency zones (Nogier)

Nogier zones, acupuncture with Nogier frequencies, RAC, laser therapy

Laser acupuncture with biofrecuencies

For pulse controlled acupuncture and ear acupuncture (auricular medicine) the use of e.g. the meridian frequencies (Reininger) and the Nogier/Bahr frequencies are recommended or even required to be successful with the laser diagnosis and therapy
The laser device must offer meridian and organ frequencies according to NOGIER/BAHR (biofrequencies) in a pre-programmed setting. If the frequency is not exact or does not have the full duty cycle the pulse cannot be detected.

In auriculo medicine specific points and zones in the ear represent e.g. internal organs.
According to NOGIER the RAC pulse for these points indicate the condition of the corresponding organ or body part.

Pulse controlled acupuncture

Pulse controlled acupuncture, acupuncture with resonance frequencies, RAC, laser therapy

RAC diagnosis, that´s how it works

One hand feels the pulse and the other hand selects the frequencies of the laser probe. As soon as the pulse increase in volume, the correct frequency is found. This frequency is used directly for the therapy and shortens the therapy time considerably. The resonance will equalize the energy system of the body.

Microsystems and the reflex arc ear/brain/organ system/body part

There are various microsystems on the body (including body acupuncture, ear acupuncture, skull acupuncture, hand acupuncture, tongue acupuncture, head's zones, NPSO zones, foot reflex zones, trigger points). The ear seems to be the ideal microsystem because it is clearly arranged, offers a lot of information and the correct stimulus is very effective and targeted.
From the simple ear acupuncture with needles a highly complex diagnosis and therapy system has developed today, especially in the German-speaking countries (see Bahr, Reininger etc.), the so-called "auricular medicine".

Fibre optics (laser needle) - For gentle laser acupuncture

There are other possibilities of painless acupuncture, namely the therapy with fiber optics (LightNeedle, laser needle). Fibers are connected to the acupuncture points and the patient receives a strong and gentle acupuncture. Acupuncture with the fiber optics is relaxing and painless, provides a lasting stimulus and is quickly accepted by patients*. 
Acupuncture with the fiber optics seems to be even more effective than conventional acupuncture because it is long lasting and once the fiber is placed, no additional manipulation is required.

Metal needle versus laser needle

Laserneedle, LightNeedle stimulation versus metal needle, laser therapy

The optimal stimulation for acupuncture points

Schematic diagram metal needle versus laser needle shows the advantage of the laser: The stimulus of the needle starts high at the beginning and then drops constantly, so that the needle should be turned, moved from time to time. Instead, the stimulation via the laser remains at a high level, gentle and continuous stimulation of the acupuncture point.

Results: The metal needle technique was often known to patients compared to the laser needle method (p<0.0001***). Laserneedle acupuncture is a painless method (p<0.0001***), induces energy and relaxation (p=0.0257*), which creates a feeling of warmth (p=0.0009***) during the treatment.

Near-infrared spectroscopy for objectifying cerebral effects of needle and laser needle acupuncture 

Referencia: Spectroscopy 16 (2002) 335-342, page 6,
Gerhard Litscher, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Research in Anesthesia and Critical Care, University of Graz, Austria / Detlef Schikora, Department of Physics, University of Paderborn, Germany

Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been successfully used in this study to objectify cerebral alterations in oxyhemoglobin and desoxyhemoglobin, due to manual needle acupuncture and laserneedle acupuncture, in 88 healthy volunteers mean age 25.7 + 4.0 ( x + SD) years (19 - 38 years). Results from Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Korean and Chinese hand acupuncture, ear acupuncture, combinations of the different acupuncture methods and placebo needling are presented. NIRS seems to be able to shed some light upon the functioning of the different acupuncture methods.

Dr. Gil Ton Ph.D, who is a Chinese Medicine physician, lecturer and researcher

Learn more about his research